255 human rights organizations call on ICJ to issue an urgent order to stop Israeli crimes in Gaza

The Israeli occupation forces have continued to commit international crimes against the Palestinian people. In every aggression launched by the occupying entity, with the facilitation and complicity of the the international community, especially United States of American, Britain, and the European Union, the occupying state – its leaders, soldiers, and settlers – do not hesitate to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people and the residents of the Gaza Strip. Since October 7th, the occupation forces have been launching a war that was described as genocide and the Palestinians are in grave danger of mass ethnic cleansing. The Baptist Hospital crime is only one of its carefully planned and systematic episodes.
As electricity and fuel cut continues, there is an imminent danger that hospitals will stop working, especially intensive care rooms, oxygen generation, and dialysis, and that ambulances and civil defense vehicles will stop providing any services. Since 42% of Gaza’s housing has been completely demolished or partially damaged, and there are one million six hundred thousand displaced people who have been forcibly removed from their homes, any rain that falls this season will lead to additional disasters, forming an advanced episode of genocide.
In view of the ongoing war crimes, aggression, and genocide against the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip, and in view of the failure of all efforts made for years to exploit the prosecution mechanism established by the Rome Statute that established the International Criminal Court, for many reasons that cannot be mentioned here, we call for the use of legal capabilities available under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948, , and the practical and judicial practice related to it. We note that the occupying state and a significant number of Arab countries are parties to the Convention, and did not submit any reservations regarding the provision contained in Article (9) of the Convention; under which the States Parties acknowledge the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, the right of any party to the conflicting States Parties to refer disputes that may arise between the parties regarding the interpretation, application, or implementation of the Convention, including disputes related to the responsibility of a State for genocide, or for conspiracy or incitement to commit it.
Since the criminal acts committed by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip involve intentionally subjecting the residents of the Gaza Strip to living conditions that are intended to physically destroy the population of the Palestinian Strip, in whole or in part, in a systematic manner that expresses a general pattern, we demand the following:
First: That any of the state’s parties to the aforementioned agreement, especially the Arab and Islamic states parties, take the initiative to request the International Court of Justice to issue an urgent order requiring the Israeli occupation forces to stop its criminal activities in the Gaza Strip.
Second: File a lawsuit against the occupying entity and any country that contributed, supported, or colluded with it to commit genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, to hold it internationally and legally responsible for those actions.
Third: That countries take the initiative to take countermeasures against the occupying entity and those who colluded with it or facilitated the commission of genocide crimes in the Gaza Strip, including an economic boycott of the entity, severing diplomatic relations with it, and not recognizing any realistic situations that may arise from these criminal acts.
Signatory organizations:
- Egyptian Federation for Development and Social Protection Policies (includes 48 associations, specific unions, and general unions)
- Coordination for Maghreb Human Rights Organizations (include 26 HR organizations from Morocco, Mauretania, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya)
- General Union of Palestinian Jurists
- General Union of Palestinian Women
- General Union of Palestinian Teachers
- General Federation of Trade Unions / Palestine
- General Federation of Yemeni Trade Unions
- Women’s Action Union – Morocco
- Sudanese Women’s Union
- The Jordan Federation of the independent Trade Unions
- The National Federation of Trade Unions and Employees in Lebanon
- Union of Palestinian Working Women’s Committees
- Youth Academy monitors human rights violations/Tunisia
- Tunisian Coalition Against the Death Penalty
- The Human Rights Coalition to Stop the Aggression, Lift the Siege, and Build Peace in Yemen (includes 10 organizations from ten Arab countries)
- Egyptian Coalition for Child Rights (includes 180 institutions)
- The Moroccan Coalition for Human Rights Bodies (includes 20 Moroccan human rights organizations)
- The Academic Assembly for the support of Palestine-Lebanon
- Women’s Cultural Assembly for Democracy / Iraq
- Cultural Rally for Democracy / Iraq
- NGOs Platform (Tajamoh)(includes 50 organizations)/Lebanon
- The Lebanese Women Democratic Gathering-RDFL
- Mauritania Professors Alliance
- Jordan Coalition Against the Death Penalty
- Syrian Coalition Against the Death Penalty (SCODP)
- Alliance Iraqi Minorities Network – includes 28 non-governmental organizations
- Iraqi Coalition Against the Death Penalty
- The Iraqi Alliance for Human Rights Organizations (includes 55 organizations)
- The Arab Coalition against the Death Penalty
- Syrian Feminist Alliance to activate Security Council Resolution 1325
- Yemeni Coalition Against the Death Penalty
- The Jordan Society for Human Rights
- Humanitarian Relief Society for Iraqi Turkmen Women/Iraq
- Iraqi Al- Amal Association
- Bahrain Human Rights Society
- Baraem Association for Social Work/Lebanon
- Civil Solidarity Association / Tunis
- Cultural Development Association in Qena/Egypt
- Tunisian Association for Cultural Action ATAC
- Tunisian Association of Democratic Women
- Tunisian Association for the Support of Minorities
- Jordanian Jurists Association / Jordan
- Association pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme au Maroc (ASDHOM)
- Working Women’s Association/Jordan
- The Iraqi Association for the Care of Juveniles and the Elderly
- The Iraqi Society for Defending Journalists’ Rights
- Women’s Action Association/Palestine
- Lebanese Association of Democratic Jurists
- Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development PWWSD”
- Egyptian Society for Economic and Social Rights
- Moroccan Association for Human Rights
- The Moroccan Association for Women Progressive
- Mauritanian Association for the Promotion of Rights
- Mauritanian Association for Human Rights
- The Mauritanian association for the promotion of girls’ education (AMPEF)
- Arab Women Organization-Jordan
- Al-Nidal Association for Human Right/Iraq
- Omy Association for Rights and Development/Egypt
- Ana Insan Association for the Rights of the Disabled/ Jordan
- Iraqi Human Relief and Development Society/Iraq
- Jothor Society for Human Rights-Jordan
- Association Bridges Citizenship / Tunisia
- Association for the Protection of Women Workers from Violence and Harassment in the World of Work
- Jose Marti Association for Arab-Latin American Solidarity
- Rachel Corrie Association for Solidarity Among Peoples
- Roaa Women Association-Jordan
- Free Vision Association / Tunisia
- Flowers of Life Charitable Association for sheltering orphans with special needs in Alexandria/Egypt
- Women’s Network Society for Women Support/ Jordan
- Chamoua Association for Equality/Morocco
- Mothers School Association /Palestine
- Iraqi Human Rights Monitoring Society/Iraq
- Together for Human and Environment
- Jordanian Women Solidarity Institute Association
- Women’s Development Forum Association/Egypt
- Orient Forum Association for Freedom and Peace
- Amman Society Forum for Human Rights
- Tunisia’s Nachas Association
- Hevi Association For Support War Victims/Iraq
- Wadi Nile Development Association / Egypt
- Defense for Children International/Palestine
- Protecting human rights defenders around the Arab world/ France
- The Jordanian Academic Campaign for Solidarity with the Rights of the Palestinian People
- Maison des syndicats et des services du travail/Égypte
- Tunisian League for Tolerance
- The Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights
- The Algerian League for Defense Human Rights
- Iraqi Woman ‘s League
- Association of Women Heads of Families from Mauritania
- Iraqi Human Rights Trainers Association – includes 138 trainers in the field of human rights
- Shabak Woman Association
- Rashid For Integrity and Transparency/ Jordan
- Freedom Pioneers for Integrity and Human Rights Training / Jordan
- The Jordanian Network for Human Rights (includes 11 human rights organizations)
- Election Network in the Arab Region
- Human Network for Health Promotion and Humanitarian Work /Iraq
- International Network for Human Rights and Development / France
- Global Network for the Defense of the Palestinian People
- Justice Network for Prisoners – includes 40 non-governmental organizations /Iraq
- Iraq Network for the Localization of Humanitarian Work – includes 79 non-governmental organizations
- Iraq Network for Child Rights – includes 54 non-governmental organizations
- The Arab Human Rights Trainers Network
- Women’s Peace and Security Network (Yemen)
- The Syrian National Network for Civil Peace and Community Safety.
- JAF Network for Monitoring Democracy and Human Rights/Iraq
- Sumariat Network/Iraq
- Shams Election Monitoring Network – includes 161 non-profit organizations andassociations./Iraq
- AIN Network for Monitoring Elections and Democracy – includes 33 non-governmental organizations/Iraq
- Karama Network (includes 25 women’s associations)
- Naya Community Network – Jordan
- Iraqi Women Network (include 100 organization)
- One Justice/France
- The working group of organizations with advisory status in the United Nations – includes (21) Iraqi organizations
- Palestinian women against violence
- The Syrian Federation of Human Rights Organizations and Bodies
- Qadirat / Tunisia
- Committees for the Defense of Democratic Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria (LDH)
- Syrian Medical Committee/Paris
- Arab Commission for Human Rights
- The Kurdish Committee for Human Rights in Syria (Al Rased).
- The Vigilance Committee for Democracy in Tunisia / Belgium
- Palestinian Initiative to Deepen Global Dialogue and Democracy-MIFTAH
- The International Council Supporting Fair Trials and Human Rights (ICSFT)
- International Council for Relief and Development
- Yemeni Council for Rights and Freedoms / Yemen
- Lebanese Women’s Council (includes 150 organization)
- Lawyers for Justice /Yemen
- School of Human Rights / Kuwait
- Arab World Observatory for Democracy and Elections
- The Arab Observatory for Human Rights and Citizenship/ Lebanon
- French Observatory for Human Rights/Paris
- Observatoire mauritanien des droits de l’homme
- Observatoire National pour la Défense de la Civilisation de l’Etat (Tunisie)
- Hurriyat Observatory / Morocco
- Human Rights & Democracy Media Center “SHAMS”/Palestine
- Women’s Psychological and Social Counseling Center/Palestine
- Strategic Center for Human Rights/Iraq
- Arab Women Media Center / Jordan
- Bahrain Center for Human Rights
- American Center for Human Rights and Social Services / New York
- Al-Badeel Center for Studies and Research/Jordan
- Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture-Lebanon
- Women’s Studies Center/ Palestine
- Center for the Defense of Freedoms and Civil Rights “Hurriyat” / Palestine
- The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and Advocates “Musawa”
- Palestinian Centre for Peace and Democracy PCPD
- The Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms “MADA”
- The Palestinian Center for Democratic Dialogue and Political Development
- Center for International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (CHLHR)/Yemen
- Jerusalem Center for Legal Aid and Human Rights/Palestine
- Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counselling/Palestine
- Al Mezan Center for Supporting the Rule of Law /Iraq
- Pana Center for Eliminating Violence against Women
- Tunis Center for Freedom of the Press
- Jothor Center for Human Rights/Jordan
- Geneva Center for Democracy and Human Rights
- Women Right Center In samawah/Iraq
- Damascus Center for Theoretical and Civil Studies
- Amman Center for Human Rights Studies (ACHRS)
- Metro Center for Defending the Rights of Journalists/ Iraq
- Call of Karama Center for Rights and Development/Yemen
- Women’s Rights Center for Relief and Development in Babil/Iraq
- Democracy and human Right Development Center/Iraq
- Scandinavian Institute of Human Rights/Geneva
- Gulf Institute for Democracy and Human Rights/Australia
- International Institute for Peace, Justice and Human Rights/Geneva
- Yemen Media Forum / Yemen
- Dialogue Forum for Development and Human Rights / Egypt
- Houran Forum for Citizenship/Syria
- Bahrain Forum for Human Rights
- Renewal Forum for Citizen and Democratic Thought / Tunisia
- Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights (Yemen)
- Sudanese National Civil Forum (includes 54 civil society organizations) / Sudan
- Moroccan Forum for Truth and Equity
- Human Rights Solidarity Organization/Libya
- HFR Human Rights Organization/Britain
- Iqbas Organization for Human Rights and Sustainable Development/Iraq
- Strategy and Development Organization/Mauritania
- African Organization for Human Rights Monitoring/Morocco
- Baraem Association for Children Care/Iraq
- International House for Human Rights / France
- Civil Development Organization /Iraq
- The Tunisian Organization against Torture
- Al-Haq Organization For Human Rights Culture/Iraq
- Gender Studies and Information Organization / Iraq
- rganization for the Defense of Victims of Violence / Geneva
- Organization for the Defense of Prisoners of Conscience in Syria – Rawanga
- Justic Orgnization For Minorites Rights /Iraq
- Justice and Equality Organization for Human Rights, Salah al-Din, Tuz Khurmatu District /Iraq
- The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Syria
- Arab Organization for Human Rights/New York
- The Kurdish Organization for Human Rights in Syria (DAD)
- Iraqi Women and Future Organization
- Al-Masara Charitable Organization for Women and Children Care/Iraq
- Al-Mounqith organization for Human Right/Iraq
- Al-Mawaddah Organization for Human Rights/Iraq
- Al Mouel Organization for Rights and Development / Yemen
- Public Aid Organization/Iraq
- National Organization for Human Rights in Syria
- Al-Weam Organization for Defending Human Rights
- Yemeni Organization for Dialogue of Religions and Cultures
- Intisaf Organization for Women and Children’s Rights/Yemen
- Insan Organization for Rights and Liberties/Yemen
- Ankidu Humanitarian Organization for Women and Children/Iraq
- European Organization for Human Rights/New York
- Bro Organization for Rights and Development/Iraq
- Freedom House Organization to defend human rights and combat slavery and its remnants/ Mauritania
- Tammuz Organization for Social Development/Iraq
- Family and Child Humanitarian Development Organization/Iraq
- The Right of Return Organization 194/ Palestine
- Human Rights Organization in Syria- Maf
- Organization for the Protection of Law and the Promotion of Peace / Yemen
- Dabin Organization for Democratic Development and Human Rights /Iraq
- Dar es Salaam Organization / New York
- Diyala Organization for Human Rights/Iraq
- Rasty Organization for human Rights/Iraq
- Iraqi Messengers of Peace Organization
- Sawa Organization for Human Rights/Iraq
- Step Organization for democracy and election
- Salzan Organization for Women and Human Rights/Iraq
- Desert Youth Organization for Development and Human Rights / Libya
- Defenders for Human Rights, Morocco
- Masir Organization for Combating Human Trafficking /Iraq
- Mom Organization for Women Empowerment/Iraq
- Kirkuk Women’s Organization for Peace Propagation/Iraq
- Nour Al-Rahma Organization for Human Rights/Iraq
- Yemeni Organization for Defense Rights and Democratic Freedoms/Yemen
- Ataa Al-Shabab Organization for Human Rights/Iraq
- Creativity Foundation for Human Right
- Alternative Development Foundation/Egypt
- Al Salam Foundation for Human Rights in Anbar/Iraq
- The Middle East Foundation for Development and Human Rights (Yemen)
- Iraq Foundation for Promoting Democracy and Human Rights
- Al-furatin Foundation for election and democracy/Iraq
- The Egyptian Foundation for the Advancement of Children’s Rights
- National Foundation to Combat Human Trafficking/Yemen
- Anmal Al-Rahma Foundation for Human Rights/Iraq
- Ataa Seed Foundation for Human Rights and Sustainable Development /Iraq
- Foundation for the Protection of Law and the Promotion of Social Peace / Yemen
- Community Development and Protection Support Foundation – Aden / Yemen
- Amel International Foundation/Lebanon
- Maison des syndicats et des services du travail/Égypte
- Egyptian Women’s Issues Foundation
- Mada Foundation for Human Rights / Iraq
- Communication Foundation for Development/Egypt
- Palestinian Journalists Syndicate
- Yemeni Bar Association
- National Union of Tunisian Journalists
- The National Commission for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Rule of Law- Independence / Palestine
- The International Commission for Supporting the Rights of the Palestinian People
- Sahel Organization for Defending Human Rights and Supporting Education and Social Peace/Mauritania
- The Palestinian Authority for PhD holders in the civil service
- Moroccan Commission for Human Rights
- Human Rights Center for Memory and Archives/Morocco