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Inspiring Victories of October and the path to a state of values

Written by: Dr. Salah Hashem

Throughout Egypt’s modern history, the October War will remain an icon of superiority in all its meanings. It is not a passing battle on the folded pages of history, but rather a victory for human dignity, and a breaking of the arrogance of an army that was seen as God’s chosen army. October 1973 is a victory for truth and virtue, and a strong message to everyone who dares to harm the land of Egypt or its identity.

On October 6, Egypt was not fighting the Israeli army alone, but rather was fighting a brutal international force. It supports the occupation army with weapons and equipment, and represents a strong support and back that prevents it from being defeated or broken. But Egypt was alone fighting, with the power of truth, will, faith, and patience behind it, so truth triumphed over falsehood.

The October victory was and will remain a pain in Israel’s chest that always reinforces its desire for revenge. It disrupted Israel’s plan to expand in the region and declare its alleged state from the Nile to the Euphrates. Fifty-one years have passed and Israel is still dreaming of the moment of revenge, and every time it seeks to achieve it. The dream remembers the bitterness of defeat and finds the Egyptian army alert, aware of its plans and always ready for confrontation.As the Egyptian army once did; He is ready and able to do it a thousand times.

Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has fought many unorganized combat battles characterized by military bullying, falsification of facts and victories, even falsification of the reasons for the battle itself, which in its entirety is more like guerrilla warfare and not the wars of sober armies that are based on solid military principles… and despite Israel’s victory in all or Most of its battles are in the region, but the October War remains the only battle that Israel lost. It lost its balance in just six hours, and forced its arrogant army into its barracks.

Israel realized through the October War and its aftermath that it was facing an army left behind by a people who believed in their right to fight. And that the army will not fight in isolation from the people, and that every member of the people is armed with military doctrine and awareness, and has full readiness to join the army and fight for the homeland, when the homeland senses danger… and that when the homeland calls on him to enlist, he considers that answering the call is a duty, and that death is in The path to the homeland is an honor, an honor that transcends the boundaries of time and place.

What terrified Israel the most was the people’s alignment behind the army and its political leadership… and despite Israel’s attempts with all its intelligence services to undermine the bridges of trust between the people and the army, and create a space for itself between them; However, it failed.

The events of January 25 were a testament to the sincerity of the doctrine and the unity of ranks. The demonstrators welcomed the army’s descent into the street by shouting “Allahu Akbar” and shouting “Allahu Akbar” and lining up in order to restore the stability that was targeted by Israel and its allies and threatened by the chants of the revolutionaries in the squares. And the army’s firm doctrine preserved it. The slogans in the hot fields were: “The army and the people are one hand.”

The revolution of June 30, 2013 came to be a new battle for awareness, for human dignity, for victory for the homeland, for stability, and for development. It was a strong message to Israel and those who supported it… that it is facing an army with a hundred million citizens behind it… and that we are facing a people with an army behind it that believes in its right to life and live in peace… and that When the will of the army meets the will of the people, victory is achieved.

History reminds us every day that Egypt is present, is still present, and will continue to stand tall, and that the love and belonging of its people for it is not a bright slogan, but rather an established belief, passed down by authentic Egyptian genes throughout history.

International history did not mention that the Egyptian army committed a single humanitarian crime against civilians in Israel during the October War, unlike the occupation army, which committed many humanitarian massacres, the most important of which was the massacre of Bahr al-Baqar Primary School in the north of Sharkia Governorate in 1970, in which more than 19 children were killed and more than 50 children were injured.

The October War was like an earthquake that Israel suffered, according to the description of the battle by the occupation army commanders. They affirmed: “What happened on October 6, 1973 removed the dust from our eyes and revealed what we had not seen before. This led to a stormy change in the mentality of the Israeli army leadership. The October War surprised us in a way we did not expect, and no foreign government warned us.” “There are specific plans for any Arab attack.”

The lesson of October taught us that an army left behind by a people who support it is never invincible, and that a nation left behind by an army that believes in its cause never dies. Egypt is the land of revolution that never ceases, and the Nile that never dries up, it is Noah’s Ark of Arabism, on its land Moses walked with Al-Khidr, and in its heart was the journey of the Holy Family… and in its hand was the key to life…

A salute to this valiant army on the anniversary of its immortal victories, a salute of loyalty, appreciation and respect…and a salute to the conscious Egyptian people who are always aware of the seriousness of the event and the importance of preserving their army and lining up behind their political leadership for the sake of a homeland that deserves life as well as development and deserves its people to live in peace..

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